Do not reload the plugin or the server to put these changes into effect. Restart the server.
A small snippet of the config has been selected for this page. Config settings may vary between vehicles, yet should be self explanatory if you have read through this page.
Custom 3D-Model configuration can be found on the 3D-Models page!
* This example is using the first two vehicles from the bikes section.
This is the unique name of the given chosen vehicle.
You can choose to make these upper or lower case.m
seatMaterial, wheelsUrl, backMaterial
maxSpeed, acelerationValue
Set the maximum speed and how fast the vehicle accelerates.
This is the name you will see on the chests when holding them. Has to be a unique name.
maxHealth, fuelCapactiy, fuelWasteSpeed
Adding more Vehicles
If you want to add more vehicles, simply copy/paste the settings (see below) from one vehicle and edit those. Keep in mind that every type has to be a unique name.
To learn how to add the new vehicles to the shop click here.
On the newer/newest Vehicles the materials are skin textures. That means you can upload your own custom skins as use them as a vehicle color.
Below you will find two ways on how to add your own textures to Vehicles.
New System | Custom Skin
Step 1:
Customize your skin (We suggest PlanetMinecraft("File" > "Save To File" to export)).
Caution!Certain "Hat" textures may overlap with items on vehicles, hiding them behind the texture!
Step 2:
Equip it as usual (If you don't know where, click on the link below).
After selecting, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Minecraft-URL.
Simply copy that URL and add the texture to the mainMaterialUrl: in the config.
Last updated
Set the desired material or material urls here.
More info on re-texturing vehicles can be found.
The permission for players to use and buy the vehicle. For more info on "Use-Permissions" click .
Sets the value of the maximum vehicle health and fuel amount. You can also set how fast each vehicle loses fuel. To disable health for all vehicles check out .