Do not reload the plugin or the server to put these changes into effect. Restart the server.
The default fuel items can be found in the config.yml
. Some examples are: Wood items, coal, wool items, lava buckets, wheat, etc...
To refuel your vehicle open the fuel gui (controls), and drag the items onto the fuel bucket.
General Fuel Settings
Adding Fuel Items
You can add as many or as few items as you'd like to.
Custom Fuel Item
Custom Skull Fuel with HDB
If you are using HeadDataBase* and would like to use the same fuel can as in the refuel gui, here is a small tutorial: (This works with every other head too.)
Step 1: Setup the fuel in the Vehicles config.yml like this.
Step 2: In your HeadDataBase config.yml find disabled-heads:
. Add the following head to that list. That head is now no longer buyable through the HeadDataBase menu.
Step 3: In your HeadDataBase config.yml find rename-heads:
. Add the following ID and name. (Make sure that the name of the skull in Vehicles and HeadDataBase are the same! Including color codes!)
Step 4: Restart your server, and you will now able to give players the fuel can skull with the following command: /hdb give 812 <amount> <player>
* HeadDataBase is not affiliated with Vehicles, the developer or any of our plugins.
Last updated