
Do not reload the plugin or the server to put these changes into effect. Restart the server.


The default fuel items can be found in the config.yml. Some examples are: Wood items, coal, wool items, lava buckets, wheat, etc...

To refuel your vehicle open the fuel gui (controls), and drag the items onto the fuel bucket.

General Fuel Settings

fuelEnabled: true
fuelBarEnabled: true
#1: Text, 2: Icon
fuelBarType: 2
iconFuelBarSize: 30

Adding Fuel Items

  material: 'OAK_LOG'
  fuel-amount: 4

You can add as many or as few items as you'd like to.

Custom Fuel Item

  material: 'PLAYER_HEAD'
  displayName: '&eFuel Can'
   - '&7Used to refill vehicles fuel.'
  fuel-amount: 20
  displayNameRequired: true
  loreRequired: true

Custom Skull Fuel with HDB

If you are using HeadDataBase* and would like to use the same fuel can as in the refuel gui, here is a small tutorial: (This works with every other head too.)

Step 1: Setup the fuel in the Vehicles config.yml like this.

  material: 'PLAYER_HEAD'
  displayName: '&aFuel Can'
   - '&7Used to refill vehicles fuel.'
  fuel-amount: 50
  displayNameRequired: true
  loreRequired: false

Step 2: In your HeadDataBase config.yml find disabled-heads:. Add the following head to that list. That head is now no longer buyable through the HeadDataBase menu.

HeadDataBase - config.yml
  - "ID:812"

Step 3: In your HeadDataBase config.yml find rename-heads:. Add the following ID and name. (Make sure that the name of the skull in Vehicles and HeadDataBase are the same! Including color codes!)

HeadDataBase - config.yml
  812: "&aFuel Can"

Step 4: Restart your server, and you will now able to give players the fuel can skull with the following command: /hdb give 812 <amount> <player> * HeadDataBase is not affiliated with Vehicles, the developer or any of our plugins.

Last updated